Santa Barbara International Orchid Show 2015
( NO.3 )

 CSA Judge and AOS Judge

In Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, applied flowers were judged by CSA (Cymbidium Society of America) or AOS (American Orchid Society) at the same time. The judge members of each Societies were devided in many groups and take charge of defferent exhibitin area. The big difference is they didn't prepare the applied flowers of same category in the same area. So, we have to look for the applied flower in the exhibited area. Sometimes, we could not find out the applied flower. In case of AOS, they will jugde all kinds of orchids and in case of CSA, they will judge Cymbidiums and Paphiopedilums. I participated in CSA judge with other 4 members and judged Cymbidiums and Paphiopedilums of course. In California, we judged many varios Cymbidiums from their original breeding, I was surprised and enjoyed the difference that I have never seen.
This judge was very labor. It takes so long time from AM 9:00 to PM 5:00 almost because we had a lot of applied flowers and we judged carefully one by one.
 Desk for judge. The judge members of CSA or AOS confirmed their own group members here. In the short time before judging, we enjoyed breakfast prepared. It's so delicious.
AOS judge group. It is labor to look for the applied flowers in the exhibition.
CSA judge group. In CSA judge, they treat screening each applied flowere before actual judge in order to judge it or not.
The actual judge means giving points. This prosedure is very important.
 Cym. Fitington 'My Van' @This flower was in Exhibition NO.57 and labeled as photo (right). On the label, this flower was indicated to be applied for judge by CSA.
They are the clerks of our CSA judge group. The 2 members were calculating points.
They looks have other groupes to take charge of ribbon judge. But I don't know about the ribbon judging in detail. 
They were the judges in my group. The 2nd lady from right has come to JGP and to judge. The luch was prepared in another room by volunteers of CSA members in Santa Barbara.
   The greeting by Mrs Suboboda who was the previous president of AOS
This lunch was prepared by volunteers of CSA members in Santa Barbara. In california, they love organic vegitable by an overwhelming majority.
Many judge members enjoyed lunch with friends of same group. The torophies for this show taste their long history. These torophies will be used everyyear.
There don't have pre-view of this show. After judge, the president of this show, Mr. George Hatfield commented the results of judge.
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